I know, i know, i'm blogging two days in a row!! It's a first, i think :) Anyway, this is a quick one....Isaac and I were driving home today from class, and we had our very first "Real" conversation:
Mommy: Isaac, are you cool?
Isaac: GOOOL
M: Is mommy cool?
M: Is daddy cool?
M: Isaac, are we a cool Family?
I: DA!!! ( "YES" for you non-russian speakers)
Chit Chat
Monday, March 31, 2008
Posted by V & J Photography 0 comments
Bruin Lovin'
Sunday, March 30, 2008
It's that time of the year...March Madness....and in case it wasn't obvious from the title of this post....the Bruins are ROCKIN' it! And in honor of the upcoming Final Four game next sat. I borrowed Isaac's beloved teddy to show our pride! :)
Posted by V & J Photography 0 comments
Mr. Chubs
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while.....we've been busy over here in V&J world...with some very exciting things happening for us...New Jobs, New Websites, New Words and sounds (isaac has mastered "NaeNae...for banana and "Goool" for "cold")....
Ok, so since it's been so long....this is going to be a MEGA photo post to make up for lost time :) hope you enjoy it...
The weather has been so great around here that the three of us took our first jaunt to the beach! Oh man, Isaac is a California baby for sure...we couldn't drag him away....so here is just a little collage of our adventure. And Justin caught this awesome moment of some snuggle time between munchkin and I (i think i'm in love with this picture)

And in return....J gets this

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