Two - Bay Area Family Photography

Friday, December 19, 2008

Two years ago on this day our little guy decided it was time to make his appearence. Two years ago we became parents. There are not enough words to really describe how amazing, scary, wonderful, exciting it is to watch him grow and change every single day....but here are a few glimpses into our 'every day'

* He wakes up yelling "HIIII BUDDYYYYY" over and over and over, and if we don't come right away he'll switch to "MAMMMAAAA"...and "PAAPPAAAAA"
* At the moment he LOVES singing Jingle Bells....and when he finishes and claps for himself and says "YAYY"....
* Brushes his teeth all by himself (ok ok, I help a little)
* Knows all his letters and counts to 20 in both languages (though Sixteen sounds like Eleventeen....)
* Loves Bathtime...will sit in there for an hour If we let him
* If he gives you a hug, you also get a's a package deal

ok, before this gets too long and sappy...i thought I'd take us down memory lane a bit with a few here goes:

Two days old in daddy's arms. Yes he was smiling at 2 days and had the dimples :) My favorite photo from the 'hospital' days

These are just random shots I threw together of the last two years (ok people, it's past excuse any layout issues)...

And our munchkin today (well, these were taken about a month ago...but good enough)

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! We can't imagine life without you. You make us smile every single day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday little man!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Happy Birthday Isaac. Wish I could have been there to bake you a cake!

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