Fathers and Sons - San Jose Photography, Family

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ok you guys! In my endless quest to create a blog header that I am actually happy with...I **think** I may have finally done something I like...I was thinking Spring is here, and I want COLOR!...soooooo, what's the consensus? :)

And in celebration of Spring....a few random family shots:

Here are a few outtakes from Isaac's V-Day session (did I ever post these shots?? I think I only did one)...anyway, here he is...looks like an angel, doesn't he?? If you only knew...that right after these shots were taken he took off into the park, angel wings and all and I was running after him with the camera, bow and arrow, suitcase and other props...Fun times :)


Now, here is something different....I've been cooking up some different recipes in my little digital darkroom...and I am thinking I love how this turned out. (it's an old shot of J...i think i may have shared a color version before)...(J, don't kill me for posting this~)

And finally, guess who flew his very first kite today???? Well, not so much 'flew it'...but rather ran after it :)

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the Blog Banner!

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