And the Family Fun Continues...

Monday, June 30, 2008

As previously nephew along with the rest of the family is in town! He and Isaac have been getting to know each other...and for the most part all is well. It's so much fun to watch the two of them running around...BUT, this post is not about the two little devils...but about Mr. L's mama. Today I had the opportunity to do a quicky little maternity shoot...and check her out (and keep in mind that this is boy #3!) Beautiful, eh? :)

As Promised...

Friday, June 27, 2008

In my last post i mentioned that we were expecting some very important people this week. Well, most important...according to Isaac is this little man: His big cousin (4 months older), Mr. L. My mom and I have been talking forever about getting some portraits done of this dude (to match Isaac's from mother's day) here are the fruits of our labor...

Ok, ok....he was pretty much done here

Isaac was so excited to for once to not be in front of the camera...he happily sat in his Pack'n'Play and watched while Mr. L modeled for us. BUT, of course what's a family photo session with Isaac not involved...and so we thought we'd grab a few of the two of them together...

Here they are...isaac with his usal "OOOOh" face and L, thinking..."hmm, not sure about this guy"

Happily playing with what's left of Grandmas' roses
Uhhh, yea, this was pretty much the last shot of the day
Mr. L: "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!"
Isaac: "Calm down man, photo shoots are a daily thing around here...get used to it!"
Thanks for visiting everyone. You know what i decided after this little session...that J and I SERIOUSLY need to photograph some girls. We've been on a major 'boy' streak latley. I want to bust out my tutu's, flowers and fun hats!

It's HOW hot????

Sunday, June 22, 2008

This past weekend we had a bit of a heat wave here in sunny California. In fact, we got into triple digits! Yikes...and so as a result Isaac and I decided to book it to the beach..and dragged Grandma L and Grandpa M along for the ride. We went to one of our favorite beaches, Rio Del there at about 9am...and it was already HOT! But not many people on the beach and so it was fantastic! Every time we go to the beach, i realize how much our stinker LOVES the water and sand. He was lovin' every minute of it...running down to the water, diggin in the sand, rolling his truck around...such a california boy! He would have spent all day there if he could...

it's hard work draggin' this truck around everywhere....

Loves emptying out the bucket contents on his head...umm, yea, not sure what to do about that..

One with this shot :)

Ok, and just because i LOVE this photo...this is from Father's day last weekend...the boys

And one last one....Rio Del Mar beach..Old sunken ship...isn't it beautiful? Not sure how long it's been like this....

Thanks for checking in everyone...check back in a few days...for a double dose of big bro and family are moving back to our neck of the that means...lots of photos of the munchkin with his big cousin (4 months older :) )

Ok, just One more!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

As I proof our last session, i keep coming back to this shot of little M. Don't know what it is...but he looks like such a big boy waiting for the train with his little suitcase! i just love it :)


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away" author: unknown

Watching our little man (who tomorrow is exactly 1 1/2 yrs old) smell this tiny flower from a restaurant table vase was one of those moments for us. Isn't it just amazing how such a tiny thing is so wonderful/exciting/big for children? If only we could all hold on to that kind of innocence.

So here is Isaac, asking you all to stop in your busy lives for just a second...and smell the roses :)

Boy Oh Boy!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Today J and I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing little M (and his mom and dad)! Let me tell you, this little guy had SO.MUCH.ENERGY! I thought our munchkin ran fast..but nope! Nothing compared to M! We chased....we ran...we blew bubbles...we played peek-a-boo...and he was still faster :) But it was all worth it because he is one gorgeous little fella! Huge brown eyes, amazing smile! Love him! And when we did catch him standing still for a sec..we got some amazing stuff! A & J, here is a sneak peak at just a few from today!

My guess is he'll be chasing the ladies away :)

Maybe he'll be an artist?

Look at these eyes!!
The whole family!

Travelin' Man

Friday, June 13, 2008

As i was sitting here trying to think of something clever to say, it occured to me that sometimes a photo says it all...and no words are necessary...

The munchkin:

Monday News....

Monday, June 9, 2008

Happy Monday everyone :) It was such a beautiful weekend here in the South Bay! The weather is getting better and better...time to pull out that sunscreen and jump in the pool! (p.s. Isaac is LOVING the pool so far, Yay!)

Anyway, we've been working on new marketing materials for our second baby, V&J Photography...and wanted to share our postcard with's still in draft mode, but looking pretty good I think.

watcha think?? (click on image to make it larger)

Dental Hygiene :)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

This post will be just a bunch of get ready!

So this morning, while J and I were trying to get the stinker to brush his teeth....this is what happened:

He is not a big fan of brushing, but for some reason..when he sits on Daddy..all is well in the world and they brush their teeth together! It happens all the time, but this time i actually ran to get the camera! How cute are these two "Duttes" (see below). Now who can share some tips to get him to brush on his own???

This next one I'll call "Three Men and a Baby"...there is nothing great about this shot technicaly, but i just love it! This was when isaac's Uncle JeffyM and Uncle Jeff were visiting...he had so much fun with the big boys :) For some reason, this shot makes me smile.

Ok, throwing one more in (told you it would be random)....this is my crazy little boy after his nap....he wiggled out of his sleepsack pj's...and stuck his arm out of his shirt...and thought it was the funniest thing in the world. He thought it was even funnier, when i got the camera and started taking pictures instead of getting him or of the crib. LOVE HIM!
And now we'll leave you with a few words of a 17 month old:
Dutte = Dude
Lala = Lana
Moow = No
Da = Da = Yes :)
Dudu = W
Beebeee = Baby (with french accent...umm, where did this come from?)
Beep Beep = car horn!

Have a great weekend everyone :) and thanks for checking in!

Look at this hunk!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

hehe, ok, so he's a little young to be a hunk...but he is our chubby munchkin! and we think he's Delish!

We are using a new Lab to print our Gallery Wrap Canvas and they are AHH-MAAZINNG! Seriously, a beautiful way to display your photos!

Here is an example (this one was for Grandma...hence, it's our own dude)

Something Different

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's Monday! The munchkin is sleeping...and i'm thinking of spicing things up around here :) So instead of the usual client or family stuff, i've decided that today i'm in a sharing mood.

I admit that I am not a great cook...infact, i'm not really even good. BUT (and my husband and family will agree)....I am a fabulous baker! (Fabulous might be reaching a tad, but I just saw Sex and the City, and that word has found it's way back into my vocabulary). Anyway, i really am pretty good...if i do say so myself.

SO, today, I am sharing the recipe to my famous Banana Bread. It's super easy, and once you all go home and make it...come back and tell me that you agree!

Here we go....V's Famous Banana Bread!

What you need:
* 4 large bananas - mashed
* 1 cup of Sour Cream
* 1 1/3 Cups of Sugar
* 1 tspn of Vanilla
* 1/4 cup Margerine
* 2 Eggs
* 2 cups of flour
* 1 tspn baking soda
* 1 tspn baking powder
* 1/4 tspn of salt

~ Preheat oven to 350
~Grease and flour pan (about a tbspn of flour should be enough)
~ Combine banana and sour cream - and mash it up, like so....

~ In another bowl, cream together margerine and sugar. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Stir in vanilla and banana mixture.

~ Stir in flour, baking soda, baking pwder and salt. Mix and stir until smooth.
~Pour into greased pan (until it's 1/2 - 3/4 full)

~Bake 50-60 minutes (check with knife to make sure it's baked all the way)

~ Voi La!!!! Super easy and SOOO GOOD! Add some butter, pour a tall glass of milk..and enjoy!

We'll see if people are into this sharing recipe idea, and maybe i'll make it a monthly thing! SO leave us a comment if you want more! :)

All images on and are copyright © V & J Photography and are the exclusive property of V & J Photography (unless otherwise indicated). All rights reserved. All images and text are protected under United States and International copyright laws. None of the images on this site are in the Public Domain. The photographs on this website may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored or manipulated in any manner or form whatsoever without the prior written consent of V & J Photography.