Vintage, Baby!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

When I asked J what I should write in today's blog post..he said "Tell them that Daddy is sharing his passion for vintage cars with his little guy!"

So there you have it dear friends, the passion has been shared and Isaac is hooked. This morning, J, Isaac, Grandma M and I went to the local vintage car show. J found out about it in some newspaper and was SO excited! Now, i don't know much about cars, but i gotta say...if they weren't gas guzzlers and weren't so expensive to fix...i would really not mind driving a Corvette Roadster, or Cobra...or that Bentley you'll see in the photos. Yea, they sure knew how to style cars back in the day :)

p.s. i've decided that posting a collage is a fun way to share more pictures...what do you think?


They had old motorcycles too..and i LOVED that one of the cars had a tiny vase with fresh yellow flowers (left photo)! It's all in the details :)

Ok, and this is RARE....infact the last time we had a photo of the 3 of us was at Thanksgiving!!!!!!! SO not cool. So here is a snap of our little family...courtesy of Grandma M, a budding professional photographer :)

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