In These Hard Times - Bay Area Photography

Thursday, October 30, 2008 these crazy times we all deserve a little bit of fun! A little bit of adventure, distraction, life, happiness. Because, yes...the market is in the toilet, people are losing jobs, and everytime you turn on the TV it's either 1) Something depressing or 2) our two Presidential candidates talking about something depressing :) So why not turn off that TV, stop reading the news online...and just go OUT! HAVE FUN! ENJOY LIFE! HUG YOUR FAMILY! Oh, and go Vote on the 4th! :)

:) Oh, and of coure don't forget to check in for your daily dose of V&J's European Adventure!

Here we go...

Famous Rialto bridge....from the waterbus

Doge Palace

Oh how I love Venice

Roman Ruins

Mmmm, some fresh fish on a cold and foggy Venetian morning

How would you like to go to sleep with this outside your window? (our view in Florence)

Take a close look....that's me in the light..having a conversation with the man upstairs :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What did the man say?:)

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