A Day in the Life - Bay Area Photography

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I've gotten a few complaints . Apparently, there hasn't been enough of our munchkin on this blog lately. And you know what....the complaints are totally warranted! It's been so busy on the professional side of this photography adventure (which we are so grateful for, of course)....that I haven't had a chance to talk about our little dude recently. And boy, is there lots to talk about...

So let's see...where should we start. He is now more then half my height. It's kind of hard to believe, considering he is not even 2.5 yet. Every day he says something new...and totally adorable. Fore example....a conversation two days ago:

Setting: I'm walking in to get him from his nap:

Me: Hi Isaac!
I (still half asleep): I want to play Hockeyyyyyy
Me: You want to play Hockey? NOW?
I: Yea! I want to play Hockey....
Me: Ok buddy, let's go play
I: NO! I want milk mama

Guess he was dreaming about the hockey playoffs...lol.

Anyway, he's learned to do somersaults...which scares the daylights out of me...but he loves it. And now his big things is saying "Please No!"..it goes something like this

Me: Isaac let's go use the potty
Him: NO! Don't wanna use the potty
Me: Isaac it's time to eat
Him: Please no Mommy...Just Stay right Here!

Ahhh, conversations with a 2 yr old...

On to some pics...these are pretty random from the last few months (like I said, I've been BAD about getting our personal pics up online.)

Playing in our driveway...the best "Chalk" area we've got. I love the calmness of this shot (it's a rare site around here)

Where's Waldo? HA! Nap time...Isaac and all his 'friends'....This makes me a little sad, as J and I are currently int he process of buying him a toddler bed. I know I know..it's time! Still sad though

A few months ago, but I never shared this shot. My little butterball...

And finally....the Umbrella :) This umbrella is 28 Years OLD!!!!!! Can you believe it? It's in awesome shape.....So when the munchkin started loggin' it around all over the house/yard..out came the camera.

Ok, I KNOW i'm totally embarrassing my kid :) But, this is just funny

Thanks for checking in everyone. I'll be starting a fun project next Friday (which will turn into a 'Every Friday' thing....so keep an eye out for that.


p.s. My Birthday was fabulous....thank you all for the birthday wishes!

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