This Life - Bay Area Photography

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Isaac, today you and I took a mommy/munchkin trip to the beach.

We woke up early and drove 30 minutes.
The sky was grey, and the seagulls were hanging out in large groups..undisturbed.
We went to Mr. Toots, got a coffee and a milk, and walked out to the beach.
We were the only ones....just you and I. You ran into the big crowd of seagulls and laughed when they flew away.
We watched the waves and saw a helicopter up above.
We built sand castles and got sand all over ourselves.
We climbed the lifeguard tower and ran all around and under it.
We collected rocks and looked for seashells.
You said "I love you mommy" and I melted into a big puddle.
I got you a slice of mushroom pizza from Pizza My Heart...and you were in heaven.
When I asked what your favorite part of today said "the sand".

A day I'll never forget.


(back to regular scheduled programming) Thanks friends for reading my little letter to my boy. Sometimes I feel silly writing stuff about our maybe you don't really care about what I do on a random Saturday, and would rather just see the photo stuff. But then I realize that this blog is not just a Photography blog, but a personal one as well....a place where I can write little memories that I want to live on forever. This is one :)


Inna said...

Love it! :)

LC said...

This was a beautiful poem. Found my way to your blog via your photo contest (what a personal way to get the word out on your photography!). Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Made me hug my little one more tightly.

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