Spring is Coming! - Bay Area Family Photography

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I love Spring...I really love Spring here in Northern California...I love when the hills turn green again and the yellow flowers/weeds pop up everywhere along the highway. I love the days before it rains..when the sky is full of white puffy clouds and the contrast with the blue is so beautiful. I love how everything feels so fresh and new....

Today we woke up to that gorgeous sky and the sun shining. The weather man is promising some major storm this weekend so Isaac and I decided to take advantage of this weather. I've been meaning to do some new location scouting and who better to do that with than my little partner in crime.

You may wonder how I get a 2 yr old ball of energy to sit still...two words: ANIMAL CRACKERS! They work like a charm :)

Happiness....(not it's not raining...he just loves the umbrella)

He looks so proud of himself for climbing that hill...

This is SO him! Singing...dancing...and generally going nuts

Our little monkey

What do you think...did he listen to mommy and NOT step in the puddle?

February? - Bay Area Photography

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hey Everyone....is it February still? Really??? You would have never guessed it today as we were walking along San Francisco's Crissy Field in almost 70 degrees :)

I've gotta say i'm enjoying these few days of sunshine before the rains rolls back in. And speaking of Sunshine...i've gotta share this of the cutie pie that makes us all smile...


Love - Bay Area Family Photography

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy V-Day Everyone...from our family to yours!
May you love and be loved today!

Here are a few from our fun family day in our favorite little town...Once again, we are convinced that our son is destined to live near the beach. The kid LOVES sand....i mean, seriously...he was rolling in it as soon as we hit the beach. It's been a while since I've posted some family photos...so here we are :)

After over 2 yrs with this camera, we are just starting to use the self-timer!

My boy and I

Taking a leap!



I can't believe I'm going to post this...but we has so much fun, and I can almost still do a cart-wheel :) Isaac was VERY impressed

Us Three

And finally, so we'll always remember the day...

Meant to Be - Bay Area Photography

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy day before V-Day people!!!

You may remember this cutie pie, she was the first runner up in our last Blog Contest! She is also Isaac's best girlfriend. Yes there is an age difference...but really, age is just a number ;) So what started out as a playdate, turned into a little mini-shoot...I could't resist :)




But wait! That's not all. When we showed up, Chloe had a present and a surprise for her main man....check it out!

It was meant to be :)
Thanks S, J and C! What a great V-Day present :)

Yep, he's Two! - Kids Photographer, Bay Area

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hey blog people! So you know how a few posts back I was going on and on about how our kid never acts out, how he is easily distracted and behaves himself....WELLLLL, let me tell you...we had a certain incident here at the house that is making me recant everything I said before. Yep, he is definetely showing his twoness (I know that's not a word...but you know what I mean). I will spare you the details..but let's just say it involved diapers...or the inappropriate removal of them.

You'd never think that this angel would do ANYTHING like what i'm talking about, right? :)

Also...I am almost done proofing our last session, which I'm loving more and more! And because there are so many great shots..here are just a few more to tide you guys over (T&L I'm talking to you!)


LOVE this! Little L is thinking "DAD, you're cramping my style man!"...

My Favorite Age - Lifestyle Photographer, San Jose

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hey everyone! Can you believe it's February already???

This morning, J and I had a really fun time photographing a beauitful family of 3. Not only are they all gorgeous and totaly photogenic, but baby L is 6 months old!...my absolute favorite age to photograph! He can't run away yet, he can sit up on his own...and he's got the biggest blue eyes, ever! We had such a fun time, and got some awesome shots along the way. L didn't complain once...and pretty much was a perfect model ;) And, even though J almost killed me for scheduling a photo session on Superbowl Sunday, everything worked out ok!! We made it home in time!

L&T, here is a sneak peak from this morning...thanks for inviting us into your lives and your home (and feeding us the yummy biscuits)! Can't wait to show you the rest...

How cute are they??



Something about this shot that I love...probably the way Dad is holding his family. Love it!

Ok, are you ready for some cuteness???? Warning, this may induce baby fever...


Yes, he is this delicioius!

Ok...forcing myself to step away from the computer, or else i'll just keep on sharing :)

All images on http://www.vandjphotography.com/ and www.vandjphotography.blogspot.com are copyright © V & J Photography and are the exclusive property of V & J Photography (unless otherwise indicated). All rights reserved. All images and text are protected under United States and International copyright laws. None of the images on this site are in the Public Domain. The photographs on this website may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored or manipulated in any manner or form whatsoever without the prior written consent of V & J Photography.