It's our boys 2nd Halloween!! He was way too young to do anything fun last this year, J and I had big plans! We'd buy him a super cool costume....we'd canvas the entire neighborhood, we'd all dress up...we'll carve our pumpkins...etc...etc
Well, as John Lennon said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making plans". We all got sick, work piled on, AND it was raining. So, I, we'll just spend a nice quiet evening at home, staying out of the rain.
And here we are on Friday..and guess what, nobody is sick and It's NOT raining! We hear the kids running around outside. Yikes...what to do!
Well, we improvise of course...we grab a photo prop (our angel wings) and mommy's old bag and go for it!
Yes! We actually went trick or treating...or as Isaac puts it "Chit-o-tweet"! And we had the best best best time...Isaac loved seeing all the kids dressed up and all the houses decorated. And for a super last-minute 'costume' whip-up...i'd say he looked pretty darn adorable!
(P.S. Please excuse the shotty photography...we were in mommy/daddy mode and not photographer mode :) )
Trick or Treat?! - Bay Area Photography
Friday, October 31, 2008
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In These Hard Times - Bay Area Photography
Thursday, October 30, 2008 these crazy times we all deserve a little bit of fun! A little bit of adventure, distraction, life, happiness. Because, yes...the market is in the toilet, people are losing jobs, and everytime you turn on the TV it's either 1) Something depressing or 2) our two Presidential candidates talking about something depressing :) So why not turn off that TV, stop reading the news online...and just go OUT! HAVE FUN! ENJOY LIFE! HUG YOUR FAMILY! Oh, and go Vote on the 4th! :)
:) Oh, and of coure don't forget to check in for your daily dose of V&J's European Adventure!
Here we go...
Famous Rialto bridge....from the waterbus
Doge Palace
Oh how I love Venice
Roman Ruins
Mmmm, some fresh fish on a cold and foggy Venetian morning
How would you like to go to sleep with this outside your window? (our view in Florence)
Take a close look....that's me in the light..having a conversation with the man upstairs :)
Posted by V & J Photography 1 comments
A Little Color - Bay Area Photography
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
In honor of Isaac learning all of his basic colors (blue, red, yellow, green, pink, grey, white, black - he's such a smarty, this kid)...we are adding a little bit of color to your life today...enjoy!
Parking lot: Venetian style :)
What a display window SHOULD look like....
Pitti Palace Gardens (this is maybe 1/20th of the actual gardens)
Grafiti on the streets of Amsterdam - Wow!
Take a good look at this picture....this is a typical commute in the early morning in Amsterdam. Everyone dressed for work, briefcases, backpacks, purses...on the way to work/school/etc...i love it! no wonder they are all so fit!
Courtyard in the Doge Palace
Florence Rooftops
:) Umm, yea...we're dorks
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Our Pumpkin - Bay Area Photography
Monday, October 20, 2008
While we were gone, livin' the life in Europe...our little munchkin was home with the grandparents. You wouldn't think that 10 days is much..but I swear, when we came back he was taller, bigger, smarter, spoke much's pretty crazy. (thanks grandparents for an amazing job!). Anyway...this weekend our pumpkin went to his very first pumpkin patch!
He just loved it, and so did we....check him out :)
I love how he looks so small next to these sunflowers
He looks so big in this shot!
Our little fireman :)
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Welcome Back! More of Italy - Bay Area Photography
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hi All, so remember how i told you to check back often? Well this is why....second post in two days :) There is so much to share though....i can't help it. As I slowly pick my way through the hundreds of photographs, i'm setting aside a few here and there that I want to share with all of you.
SO here is the next batch! Enjoy :)
Venice, i love this shot..the colors, the calmness (it was about 7 in the morning)
Florence, view from a cafe terrace on top of a tall building. We sat, drank cappucinos, watched the sunset and took pictures. Yea, pretty much a perfect evening
Tower next to Duomo church (cathedral?)...our first view....there were a million tourists, but i love that you can't see anyone.
I love this shot the J captured
San Marco Sq, early morning fog
Drinking fountains, all over Venice - we filled our water bottles from was great, since Water in europe is like 3 euro a bottle. Yikes.
'The Last Judgement' wall at the Sistine Chapel. (ok, so we cheated...we weren't supposed to take photos)
And how abou this for a self portrait :) We were sitting at a bar eating Pizza in Florence. I took the photo of the reflection in the mirror.
Posted by V & J Photography 0 comments
La Bella Vita - Our last two weeks - Bay Area Photography
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Buon Giorno dear friends! You may have noticed that we have been missing in action for a few weeks! Well, there is a really really good reason! We have been on our dream vacation! Our first real vacation in almost 4 years! We just got back from Amsterdam and Italy. Words can't describe how much fun we had, but i think we'll let the photos speak for themselves. It's going to take me some time to go through them all (as you can imagine, we were in photographer heaven!)...but here is a sneak peak.
Make sure to check back often in the next few weeks as I plan on updating every few days with new eye candy :)
Let's start with my Love, Venice. I've been dying to visit here for years and years. And it did not dissapoint. You know how usually when you see something on TV, it's most of the time more beautiful than in real life? Well, that was NOT the case here. As Justin said "It's impossible to hold your arms up long enough to photograph Venice." there is just so much!
Foggy morning, right around the corner from our hotel
A very common scene
View from our water bus, on a cruise up the grand canal
View from our hotel in Florence...not bad, eh?
Amsterdam, land of canals, tulips, tall people, and a colorful life
and me :) last morning in Amsterdam, a few hours before our flight home
Thanks for visiting...and looking. We hope these photos distracted you from the daily grind for just a moment...
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Headshots - Bay Area Photography
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I had so much fun this afternoon photographing this beautiful girl! Take a good look friends...because one day she is going to be a super famous actress/movie star! :)
But right now, she is getting her headshots and resume ready to pursue acting as a profession. She asked me to take some headshots and I was so happy to do it! We had a blast and got some rockin' shots as well :)
Yep, Movie Star :)
She said "this is my bad side!"....Uhhhh, I DON'T THINK SO!
Posted by V & J Photography 1 comments