Trick or Treat - Bay Area Photography

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hi All...Well, it's the day before the big day! Isaac has his Costume and Boo Bucket ready (did you know that's what the buckets are called?? I had no idea!) Anyway, Isaac is going as a you know..and Justin and I will be recycling our costumes from a few years ago...Ketchup and Mustard! That's right folks! We are that cool :)

SO, be safe, don't eat too much candy...and check back on Monday for more beautiful families....

I'll leave you with these three from the last few sessions

Dimple Alert!!! Can you believe she' not even One yet!!!

A serious one that I love

And a bit of brighten up your day


A Lion, A Monkey and A Princess = ? ~ Bay Area Children's Photographer

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Lion, A Monkey and A Princess = ADORABLE!!!

Yesterday, the little dude and I met up with some friends for an early Halloween Celebration! You can't imagine how many awesome costumes we saw...a few favorites include,

A Toddler Elvis (white jumpsuit, sideburns drawn on)
A little Dorothy (not creative but super cute)
Tons of ladybugs, pumpkins and bumble bees
A few Dragons
Thomas the Train (this was Isaac's favorite)

But the cutest of all....were, of course...these three!

Isaac and the ladies :)

I'm sorry, but could her ears be sticking out any more perfectly :)

"we'll hug, but we wont look at each other...that's just too much, mom"

What a sweet face he has...definitely not a scary lion...a nice, kind and gentle lion.

A moment of reflection....or pondering how to open that chocolate bar he's holding


A Transformer and A Bee - San Jose Children's Photographer

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Well, hey there friends! It's been a busy busy few days, but I'm here to share another fabulous session with you (and one of my all time favorite shots ever!)

This Sunday, I had the great pleasure of photographing a fabulous brother and sister duo who were full of energy, personality and fun! Big brother M is 5 years old and a GREAT big brother. Little E is 18 months and is FAST fast fast! But as soon as she took off, M was running after her to make sure she didn't fall or run into the street. What a lucky girl! Big brothers are the best ;)

D & L, Here is your sneak peek! I hope you love these as much as I do! :)

Here is E! According to her brother, she is going to be a bumble bee for Halloween...

As we said..she likes to this didn't last long :)

She also had some fabulous outfits...I love when mommy's plan ahead! Good job, D!

Here is M! He is going to be a Transformer!!!! Orbit prime, or octopus prime...yikes! i don't remember....obviously my kiddo is too young to know the transformer names :)

Check out how much AIR this little guy is getting! Holy Moly, Dad's got some muscles, eh!

Beautiful brown eyes! What a handsome little man :)

Oh how I love this shot :) favorite!!! love love LOVE it!

Stay tuned for Isaac's Halloween Costume Debut :)

Sweet J - Bay Area Photographer, Family/Children

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What a great time we had tonight! I've been looking forward to this session for some time! And when mommy S told me that she couldn't decide on an outfit for sweet J because she had so many fabulous ones...well, i knew right then that she was my kinda gal!

My good friend Jen came along to help me this evening...and thank goodness! Because this little pumpkin can Run and Climb like no other One yr old I've ever met!'s amazing...Isaac was barely cruising at this age! She definitely made us work for those smiles...but, boy were they worth it!

And a special shout out goes out to daddy J! Who was tortured by my camera against his will...but made the best of it and was a total trooper/baby wrangler/happy dude!

S&J...we had a blast tonight! Thank you for being such great sports! Enjoy your sneak peek! Can't wait to show you the rest...

Oh, that sweet smile!!!

Love, LOVE!

Quick Story...apparently the location where we were shooting is having a Halloween Party this evening. Well...we were wrapping up our session, the sun had set....all of a sudden..from around the corner we see a vision. We all look see.... a Geisha strolling through the garden! (a 6 ft tall man dressed as a dead geisha carrying a parasol). YEP! I'm serious...he is slowly gliding towards us...and of course, little J, brave soul that she is, starts coming right towards he passed a VERY creepy and quite voice he said "What a brave little girl"...Yep, that's pretty much how we wrapped things up :)

November! - Bay Area Photography, Family

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ok Guys! Sorry for all the biz talk the last few days :)

After some requests and some session/personal calendar re-shuffling...I am opening up a few more dates in November for those that want to have their Holiday Photos taken!!! So if you've been thinking about it, but haven't made the call...DON'T WAIT! Let me know ASAP and we'll try to get you on the calendar...

Tune in this wknd...I'll have lots of cuteness to share!

And for now, a few more of beautiful N to brighten up your Friday!



PSA - Bay Area Photographer, Children

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Wednesday everyone :)

Here is a shot of Isaac from the local Pumpkin Festival last weekend...and he has a message for you all.


Double Trouble/Double Fun ~ Bay Area Photographer, Family

Monday, October 19, 2009

I was so happy when I got an email from A wanting to book us to photograph her twin girls along with both sets of grandparents. You see, I've been wanting to photograph twins forever! Yes, it's a challenge....both with the age (18 months) and the fact that there are two of them running in different directions...BUT, what can be cuter then two identical little girls with gorgeous brown eyes!

We met everyone bright and early in Gamble Gardens on Sunday morning, with lots of props, snacks, re-enforcements and got to work :) I have to say a BIG Thank You to J, who was a huge help, lugging around a wagon full of props and sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" more times then I can count.

OK! On to the photos....I am so excited to share this sneak peek with A&T...and all of you of course! Enjoy!

Let's start with one of my all time favorite family shots! Holiday Card?? YES!

Allow me to introduce you to beautiful E! (yes, that hat is beyond adorable, but unfortunately only stayed on her head for just a few minutes)

And E's twin sister S (look at that smile!)

Another family shot that I love. Gorgeous mom and dad, right?

E perfected the 'over the shoulder' model look

S, serious and beautiful


Now here are the Swiss grandparents who are here for a visit. (I hear it's grandpa's birthday soon!)

And the other set of grandparents! (I have to say, grandma reminded me SO much of my mom!)

And finally, just one of the whole family :)


7 Days New - Bay Area Photography, Newborn

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's safe to say that I've been very impatiently awaiting this session for over a month now! You might remember this beautiful pair from September:

Well, guess what! She's here!!! And she's lovely! I was so excited to photograph this little beauty! She is 7 days old today, and is SO strong and awake and alert. It's amazing...I remember Isaac the first few weeks would barely open his eyes :) Little N was wide awake for most of our session...and as long as her belly was full, she was quite content to look around and take in all the new things around her.

J&A...thank you once again for allowing me to photograph your beautiful girl and your new Family!!! Enjoy your peek :)

I love LOVE this photo

Here they are....the new family of THREE! N, you are a very lucky girl to have two parents who love you so much!


The People Have Spoken - Bay Area Photography, Family

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Well, maybe not spoken...but the people have definitely voted :)

As you can see, our 3rd V&J Photo Contest has come to a close. I am so excited and happy that all of you have taken a moment to place your vote. Over the last week we've had many new visitors to our little blog and we do hope you'll stop by again! Overall, I can't believe we almost hit 1,000 votes!!! Allow me to sound like a teenager again....that is SO COOL!

So, without further delay....let me introduce the winner!

The lovely Ms. C! With 350 votes and 35% of the total votes, this little beauty has won the prize!

Congrats to the winners. And thank you to all of our contest participants :) You are all fabulous...and you know it!

The Three Amigos - Bay Area Photography

Sunday, October 11, 2009

2 days left in the photo contest folks!!! See the post below to choose your favorite photo and place your vote in the poll to the right!

Ok, now on to a few housekeeping notes:

First, my youngest nephew needs to tell you something:

But, here is some good news:

How cute is this little guy?? He just learned to walk and we were so excited we decided to take some photos to celebrate the big occasion :)

Back to the calendar for a few seconds... Although there are a few limited dates in November...if you want your photos to arrive before the holidays, you MUST book a session before Thanksgiving ;) Just something to keep in mind...

Ok, let's start Monday off right...with a few more shots of little N!

And...yes, the three amigos :) Little N wants so much to be able to run and play with his big brother and cousin...but he's not quite ready to handle these two crazy boys yet...soon!

All images on and are copyright © V & J Photography and are the exclusive property of V & J Photography (unless otherwise indicated). All rights reserved. All images and text are protected under United States and International copyright laws. None of the images on this site are in the Public Domain. The photographs on this website may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored or manipulated in any manner or form whatsoever without the prior written consent of V & J Photography.